
Archiv für den Monat Mai 2013

Looking forward to next week’s Sunbelt Social Networks conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) in Hamburg. I’ll be giving a presentation on „Scholars‘ Adoption of Escience Practices“ (session „Mixed Methods Network Studies 2“, Friday afternoon, 24th May, 13:30 – 15:30) with some early results from my interviews, focusing on the influence of social network ties on the adoption of e-science practices in the humanities. I look forward to meet old and new colleagues and also to meet with old friends in Hamburg – as the conference takes place at the university, it will feel like coming home after several years at other universities, I guess.

Update: The slides for my presentation entitled „Scholars‘ Adoption of E-Science Practices – (Preliminary) results from a qualitative study of network and other influencing factors“ are online!

(please note that the picture on slide 3 was different in the original presentation, but both show examples of confessions of offline scientists)